Thursday, February 5, 2009

Importance of Page rank

Not only the content but also the content provider’s reliability is the major issue in today’s world. Anyone can provide any content and anything, then how can readers make a choice? There are various parameters like page rank, alexa rank that shows the importance and popularity of a webpage which indirectly gives an impression of the content writer. In this we will discuss about the page rank. Page rank is introduced by Google to categorize the websites based on their popularity. Page rank is given against 10, higher the pagerank, better the website. Most of the websites in the internet have a page rank below 2.

google page rank
Page rank shows the regularity of the author in updating the site. It also shows how many other sites are linking back to this site. A link to a webpage from a higher pagerank increases the pagerank of the webpage. Google uses a complex algorithm to calculate the pagerank of very single webpage. Pagerank of a site is affected by many factors like validation of all the links, images (following all the conventions of World Wide Web while designing the webpages). A constantly updated website will have a page rank of 4 in a year or two. Google always interests in original content than some copy-pasted content and this adversely affects your page rank in longer time. You can check pagerank of a site using google toolbar or from other sites like page rank checker.

1 comment:

  1. Martin, you are right and now a days people are relying more on Alexa and Google page rank.
