Friday, April 17, 2009

Carbon FOOTPRINT-environment consciousness

Carbon footprint of an individual is the amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), Sulpherdioxide (SO2), Methane (CH4) released into atmosphere either directly or indirectly by an individual daily expressed only in terms of CO2.

As the level of green house gases (GHG) is rising day by day paving way for many natural disasters which couldn’t be foreseen. A few of them already identified and well known are Global Warming, Melting of polar ice caps and rise in sea level, monsoon cycle got disturbed etc,. All these are inter related and we need to resort to certain measures to control the increase in level of GHG’s if not we could stop its rise.

Carbon footprint gives us an assessment and allows making decisions on the strategies that could be made to control it.

Various countries have come forward and a protocol is setup after their conference in Kyoto called Kyoto protocol which sets up a standard and law for all the industries to control their emissions, suggests the use of alternative energy sources.

In response to this UK has started a carbon trust which certifies and helps various industries in reducing their emissions and producing less CO2 emitting products and label is also made.

Actually the word carbon footprint came from the “Ecological footprint” which tells us how many resources we are using with respect to the ability of the earth to replenish them. It compares current demand with planets regenerating capacity. For example its estimated that we have used 1.3 earth’s resources .It depends upon our lifestyle and it’s our duty to change and adapt it in such a way that future generations have the resources to survive .So one has to conserve the resources.
Check out your footprint at any of the following sites and they even suggest you the measures you could take to preserve the environment that we live in.

Facts: Every year Sahara desert grows by 0.6km

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